Hello everyone,
I have been very fortunate to experience many wonderful moments in breathtaking places in my life and I feel that I owe it to share these with all of you out there. This is with the hope to inspire you to travel and strive for what you are passionate about.
I was not born into affluence, nor am I affluent now, but so far, I have managed to achieve many of my aspirations because I believe in the power of believing that anyone of us can, and will, attain all our goals; provided, that these goals do not step or impede on anyone and most of all, that they are truthful to and noble to oneself.
These experiences activated me to co-create with my husband artistic shows for the United Nation's Official coral reef monitoring program called ReefCheck Foundation (www.reefcheck.org). These shows helped create awareness for the plight of oceans and coral reefs. These experiences also made me very conscious of my consuming habits: Buy organic, locally as much as possible, fair-trade, recycled, etc.
Below is a video of the event that I co-created with my husband called THE INHABITANTS PROJECT which was co-produced with ReefCheck Foundation and presented in Las Vegas, NV, Pasadena CA and Malibu, CA. We were very honored to have Leonardo DiCaprio participate as our honorary event chair person for our Las Vegas presentation and for Daryl Hannah's support in the California presentation.
Below are photographs of myself in places that have profoundly reconnected me with the natural world and propelled me to question my position in this life.
These were taken by my husband, Paolo, when you get the chance, please visit his work at www.pa3sfoto.com. I know, I know, it's a shameless plug, but I am very proud of him. By the way, we apologize for the overly credited images, but his work has been misappropriated many times before, so we are just being cautious. I hope you all understand.
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